

Kids can often remember letter sounds more easily when they are linked with a physical action or something fun and silly. Alphasthetics is connecting some of the letters in the alphabet your child is struggling with to a fun action that they can remember. You know your child best, but here are a few examples that you could try:

F: "F makes the sound f... f... like fast! fast!" as you run in place.

G: "G makes the sound g... g... like growl! growl!"

J: "J makes the sound j... j... like Jump! Jump!" as you jump.

M: "M makes the sound mmmmmm like move! move!" as you wiggle around.

P: "P makes the sound p... p... like popsicle!" as you pretend to lick a popsicle.

Z: "Z makes the sound zzzzzz" while you tickle them with your finger.