Step 1: Pre-reading
Step 1: Pre-reading
These activities may not look like reading skills that you may expect to learn before reading, but are very necessary to become a reader. During this module, your child will learn rhymes, beginning sounds, and sound manipulation. Incorporate these activities into your daily routine as often as you can. Keep in mind that learning is not linear. Your child will go several days (or weeks) not knowing how to rhyme and then one day the switch will turn on and they will suddenly know how to. It is incredible to watch the process, so enjoy it and have fun!
These activities may not look like reading skills that you may expect to learn before reading, but are very necessary to become a reader. During this module, your child will learn rhymes, beginning sounds, and sound manipulation. Incorporate these activities into your daily routine as often as you can. Keep in mind that learning is not linear. Your child will go several days (or weeks) not knowing how to rhyme and then one day the switch will turn on and they will suddenly know how to. It is incredible to watch the process, so enjoy it and have fun!
Continue reading with your child so it is an enjoyable experience and motivates your child to learn new skills. Being read to also develops vocabulary and understanding of the English language. Point to pictures as you read and other context clues to help your child understand the storybook. Explain new words and discuss unfamiliar concepts. Reading does not always have to be fictional stories. Read nonfiction, magazines, signs, labels, menus, recipes....everything.
Continue reading with your child so it is an enjoyable experience and motivates your child to learn new skills. Being read to also develops vocabulary and understanding of the English language. Point to pictures as you read and other context clues to help your child understand the storybook. Explain new words and discuss unfamiliar concepts. Reading does not always have to be fictional stories. Read nonfiction, magazines, signs, labels, menus, recipes....everything.
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