Hide and Seek
Hide and Seek
Hide and Seek
There is much fun to be had in searching for "hidden" treasures. Playing a game of hide and seek is thrilling for little ones. Hide and seek is a risk-taking game that keeps kids wanting to play it over and over again. Just like a game of hide-and seek, this game requires minimal instructions and very few materials. Your child will search for hidden sight words around the house!
There is much fun to be had in searching for "hidden" treasures. Playing a game of hide and seek is thrilling for little ones. Hide and seek is a risk-taking game that keeps kids wanting to play it over and over again. Just like a game of hide-and seek, this game requires minimal instructions and very few materials. Your child will search for hidden sight words around the house!
To set up this game, write 6 sight words on a notecard. Feel free to use some words twice if you're child needs some extra practice on one. Then, hide the cards around your house where they can easily find them. Let your child search for them while provding hints if needed. When they find a card, ask them to read aloud. If they get it correct, praise them. If they get it wrong or do not remember, tell them the answer and encourage them to keep going. Never allow them to reach frustration when learning to read. While collecting the cards, set the cards on the game board so they can easily identify how many they've found and how many remain hidden. To make this activity even better....offer a special prize for finding all the cards! This makes them extra motivated to find every card and not give up! I have some suggested prize ideas below:
To set up this game, write 6 sight words on a notecard. Feel free to use some words twice if you're child needs some extra practice on one. Then, hide the cards around your house where they can easily find them. Let your child search for them while provding hints if needed. When they find a card, ask them to read aloud. If they get it correct, praise them. If they get it wrong or do not remember, tell them the answer and encourage them to keep going. Never allow them to reach frustration when learning to read. While collecting the cards, set the cards on the game board so they can easily identify how many they've found and how many remain hidden. To make this activity even better....offer a special prize for finding all the cards! This makes them extra motivated to find every card and not give up! I have some suggested prize ideas below:
FREE Hide and Seek Game Cards and Board Printable
FREE Hide and Seek Game Cards and Board Printable