Sight Word Stamps
Sight Word Stamps
Sight Word Stamps
Stamp time is Claire's favorite time! She loves working on reading/writing activities if they involve stamps. She sees the stamp set and runs to the table! Picking stamps is like taking treasure from a chest. She loves it so much! So, why not incorporate it a reading activity? These stamps are perfect for this activity!
Stamp time is Claire's favorite time! She loves working on reading/writing activities if they involve stamps. She sees the stamp set and runs to the table! Picking stamps is like taking treasure from a chest. She loves it so much! So, why not incorporate it a reading activity? These stamps are perfect for this activity!
To get started, just print out the free printable below and have your child practice making sight words using the letter stamps. Sit back and your child has a fun time learning!
To get started, just print out the free printable below and have your child practice making sight words using the letter stamps. Sit back and your child has a fun time learning!
Variations: If the idea of letting your child use ink frightens you, simply have them press the letter stamps into home-made salt dough, or Play-Doh. If you do not have stamps, do not worry...You can use the letter magnets, or simply write the letters in the box with a pencil.
Variations: If the idea of letting your child use ink frightens you, simply have them press the letter stamps into home-made salt dough, or Play-Doh. If you do not have stamps, do not worry...You can use the letter magnets, or simply write the letters in the box with a pencil.
Free Sight Word Stamping Printable
Free Sight Word Stamping Printable