Train Stops
Train Stops
Train Stops
Let's play trains! This Train Stops activity combines your child's favorite activity with learning sight words. Claire loves building her own extravagant train track and using her motorized Thomas the Train and other characters in our open basement living area. The best sight word activities incorporate activities and themes that your child already enjoys doing. This activity is easy to set up and your child can help you put it together.
Let's play trains! This Train Stops activity combines your child's favorite activity with learning sight words. Claire loves building her own extravagant train track and using her motorized Thomas the Train and other characters in our open basement living area. The best sight word activities incorporate activities and themes that your child already enjoys doing. This activity is easy to set up and your child can help you put it together.
Start by setting up a train track . I recommend these off brand wooden tracks since they significantly cheaper but just as durable. Set the track up as simple or complex as you'd like and arrange the sight word cards around the track. Tell your child that each card is a "train stop". To continue moving along, they must read the word card to pass.
Start by setting up a train track . I recommend these off brand wooden tracks since they significantly cheaper but just as durable. Set the track up as simple or complex as you'd like and arrange the sight word cards around the track. Tell your child that each card is a "train stop". To continue moving along, they must read the word card to pass.
- Feel free to add stop sign printouts or snack such as cheerios at each stop. I tell Claire that the train must stop and pick up the "cargo" (cheerios). She enjoys eating them as she plays through the track.
- Add or remove cards to make it easier or more difficult.
- If you have a single loop track, you can challenge them to a race. They must go around the track, reaching all stops before 30 seconds.
Free Sight Word Cards Printable
Free Sight Word Cards Printable