Magic E Detective
Magic E Detective
Magic E Detective
This is a great activity to help your kid learn how an "e" at the end of a word changes the vowel sound in the middle. I call these words magic e words, but really they are ordinary consonant-vowel-consonant words with -e at the end. Learning vowel patterns can be very challenging even for kids that have been reading for years, because they make different sounds in different words. Vowels can either make a short sound such as /a/ in cat, or a long sound such as /a/ in bake. Readers must decide which sound to make when reading vowels so teaching this neat trick will help determine which sound to use. Teaching this skill does not have to be boring. Instead, it can be a lot of fun hunting the house for these items in this detective hunt.
This is a great activity to help your kid learn how an "e" at the end of a word changes the vowel sound in the middle. I call these words magic e words, but really they are ordinary consonant-vowel-consonant words with -e at the end. Learning vowel patterns can be very challenging even for kids that have been reading for years, because they make different sounds in different words. Vowels can either make a short sound such as /a/ in cat, or a long sound such as /a/ in bake. Readers must decide which sound to make when reading vowels so teaching this neat trick will help determine which sound to use. Teaching this skill does not have to be boring. Instead, it can be a lot of fun hunting the house for these items in this detective hunt.
To get started, print the free Detective Printable. Help your child read the word on each page, Add an "e" to the end of the word and discover how the "magic e" changes the vowel sound and makes a new word. Then, have your child find the item around the house and add it to a basket. Bonus: Allow your child to create their own words for YOU to find. They will get a kick out of watching you perform the detective hunt!
To get started, print the free Detective Printable. Help your child read the word on each page, Add an "e" to the end of the word and discover how the "magic e" changes the vowel sound and makes a new word. Then, have your child find the item around the house and add it to a basket. Bonus: Allow your child to create their own words for YOU to find. They will get a kick out of watching you perform the detective hunt!
Free Magic E Detective Printable
Free Magic E Detective Printable