Write It
Write It- Phonics Sound Boxes
Write It- Phonics Sound Boxes
We all know that learning to read and write words is tricky for young learners. Blending consonants can make it even more difficult. Sound boxes are a powerful tool to helping your little one separate longer words and consonant blends into individual letters. This printable worksheet includes separate boxes for each letter/sound heard in a word to improve your child's ability to use phonics skills.
We all know that learning to read and write words is tricky for young learners. Blending consonants can make it even more difficult. Sound boxes are a powerful tool to helping your little one separate longer words and consonant blends into individual letters. This printable worksheet includes separate boxes for each letter/sound heard in a word to improve your child's ability to use phonics skills.
Simply download the free printable below! Have your child say the word corresponding with each picture and help them stretch out each word (as they did in earlier modules). As the word is stretched, emphasize each sound clearly and help them identify and wrte the corresponding letter sounds in the boxes. It is okay if they misspell the word, as long as they are getting the phonics correct. For exampe, your child may write kut instead of cut or kat instead of cat. That is perfect! Do not correct them. They are learning how letters represent sounds and the different patterns made. They will soon learn the nuances of k/c, c/s, g/j...etc, so give them praise for achieving this huge milestone! It is a huge accomplishment!
Simply download the free printable below! Have your child say the word corresponding with each picture and help them stretch out each word (as they did in earlier modules). As the word is stretched, emphasize each sound clearly and help them identify and wrte the corresponding letter sounds in the boxes. It is okay if they misspell the word, as long as they are getting the phonics correct. For exampe, your child may write kut instead of cut or kat instead of cat. That is perfect! Do not correct them. They are learning how letters represent sounds and the different patterns made. They will soon learn the nuances of k/c, c/s, g/j...etc, so give them praise for achieving this huge milestone! It is a huge accomplishment!
Free Say It- Write It Printables (3 separate files)
Free Say It- Write It Printables (3 separate files)